Monday, November 19, 2007
In closing, I'd say it's been a fun ride but it's been utter hell. I'm glad to be leaving the shit hole that East County has become. I hope that those left will sit up and take notice. Take some pride in what's there. Get involved. If you do, you'll find that crime will go down, Rockville will know you exist and may even help you out some, and people may just come back and say "wow this is a nice place to live now". If not, rest assured that the area will go the way of Langley Park. Yeah, that used to be a really nice area that people went to and *gasp* felt safe at. Now look at it. Don't let what's left of East County become that.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The "TransGenders" Make Me Late.....
This week the MoCo council saw it fit not only to entertain but to debate a bill that would provide so-called "trans-gendered" persons protection from discrimination. While the reference that would allow an anatomical male to use the women's restroom was removed, the protection for that act remains. In addition and a by far worse move by the Council, our tax dollars were wasted with this debate and vote. There are MANY issues that need addressing in the county. But instead of proposing ways to deal with gangs, illegal immigration, traffic, and the host of other ills in the county, the Council decides to cater to a fringe group. Simply because a (in my opinion rather dis-ordered) member of the Council happens to have a "trans-gendered" member of her staff means, boys and girls, that we all get to be stuck in traffic, more likely to be robbed, and get to pay higher taxes for the privilege. Honestly someone that voted for this dingbat please email me. I need to know that someone did, in fact, vote for her. If you would like to tell me why in the fuck you did that would be helpful too.
The bottom line. Ladies, the next time you are in the bathroom and feel that something may not be "right" with the "girl" walking in behind you, thank the County Council. Then at the next election please tell these morons how you feel. Vote their asses out of here!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Energy "Meeting"—Part Deux
Jim Boone (staff counsel of the Public Service Commission—he's the guy that came back, with back-up of Phil Vandeerheyden—Assistant Director of Economics and Policy Analysis of the Md Public Service Commission) was the first to speak. He mostly just restated the stuff he said last time, before turning it over to Phil Vandeerheyden, who didn't have anything terribly new to say either, but did go into a little more detail. I consider the highlight of their presentation the part where an audience member walked out in disgust after not getting his question answered.
I learned about the Maryland Office of the People's Counsel from the second speaker, Paula Carmody (People's Counsel.) You can read more about what they do on their website, but, as a start, they will help people who have complaints against their utility services (gas, electric, phone, water), which is nice to know. Quick note here: I consider this to be the only useful information that I got from this meeting.
Izzy Patoka, Executive Director of Community Initiatives spoke about what the aforementioned office does. I'm really not sure why he was there...
Next up to speak was Senator Rob Garagiola, (who lives in Germantown, although I'm not sure why he mentioned that...) His district covers from Bethesda up to the Frederick County line (he was also, according to Rona Kramer's representative, "Kristen"—who was very quiet, did not introduce herself, and sat in the back— late due to traffic. I'll bet. That's a long way to drive.) He also, apparently, serves on the Senate finance committee, and the only earthly reason I can see for his being at this meeting was his involvement with a bill (Senate Bill 595) that apparently requires the energy companies to purchase a certain percentage solar (umm...wouldn't that be MORE expensive for consumers?). That doesn't really explain why he was there, but there is an energy connection, at least. He was very pro-solar. Oh, and his favorite word is, apparently, incentivize (can also be used--and was--in the form: incentivizing). Now that's a doozie.
The next speaker was Chris Rice, Program Manager for a bunch of things for the MEA, including biomass, and transportation. He actually (and public speaking by the way is not this guy's strength...) contradicted what several other speakers had stated. You see, several people said that by decreasing our energy consumption, we would effectively "force" energy companies to lower their rates. What Chris Rice said actually rang a little more true. He said that while that might lower YOUR bill, he can't really see that it would have the effect of actually lowering cost. He also mentioned that he was sorry the Senator had to leave (he had "another thing" to get to, and rushed off—after taking up quite a bit of meeting he can't have been in too much of a rush...) and proceeded to say nothing but good things about the Senator's energy initiatives. He talked about liquid fuel and transportation (What happened to electricity? Where did cars come into this? Is Citizens Involved trying to take on gas pricing now?) and the need to improve distribution infrastructure. Right. (By this point in the meeting about half of the audience had either left or keeled over) Oh, and he mentioned "cellulosic ethanol" research (that is, research on how much wood waste, etc Maryland has available to turn into seems they're formulating a report of available resources). It gets better, though. Apparently the technology to do that isn't really available yet... but by george, when it is, Maryland will be ready! (My notes started getting a little bit sketchy by this point in the meeting...)
Next, Susan Kirby from Montgomery County's Department of Environmental Protection came up to speak to us about "Clean Energy Rewards" which, quite frankly, I wasn't terribly interested in. At least she was a fairly good public speaker and woke me back up. I actually don't seem to have many notes on her presentation, although there was a Price Comparison Worksheet that I picked up. I also recall she explained how Renewable Energy Certificates work by saying that they are like buying a stock or buying into a company.
Ummm, what else? Well, the woman from the Solar energy company (Capital Sun Group) came back to speak and told us how the company offers assessments for $200 a pop (less if you talk your neighbors into getting one, too.) And we finished up with a couple of questions, that I actually don't really remember. We didn't stay through all of the questions and frankly, I think it shows incredible perseverance that we made it through all of the speakers.
In summary, those are 2 hours of my life that I will never get back. I kind of wish we had gone to the (open to the public) East County Citizens Advisory board meeting (held at the same time...which of course I didn't know until the next day...) instead. At least they encourage questions and comments, unlike some "meetings."
Citizens UNinvolved
Again, Ms York proved her inability to run a meeting when, instead of informing speakers that they had exceeded the time provided them, she allowed them to go on with their spiels while sitting back and beaming at them like a proud little puppy. (Jesus woman you drafted the damned agenda!) Oh yes and these speakers....why was a State rep that DOES NOT REPRESENT THIS DISTRICT even invited?? Much less allowed to droll on about how great he is for 45 minutes? Ms York was very proud of him though. She was quite the proud little puppy.
In closing, I can only determine that this Citizens Involved group is utterly pointless and will accomplish nothing. This really is too bad as they could be very helpful to East County. They will not be least not with Ms. York at the helm.
With that I turn this post over to my guest blogger , SPAROW for her insight.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
You Can Buy Peoples' Rights for a Buck??
First just to be clear. I'm an engineer, not a journalist. I have never said I was a journalist. I write this blog to get the "news" of what's going on in East County and the Briggs Chaney area out to the public, yes. However, this "news" is not and never will be "Fair and Balanced." It is tainted with my personal opinion.
Disclaimer said I will move on.
It seems (as we all know) that DT Silver Spring is NOT a public space. At least not in the eyes of the developers. We all know about the Photo Walk. I was there, as were many other (and may I add better) bloggers (Just Up the Pike, Silver Spring Penguin, Silver Spring Scene), so I'm not going to beat a dead horse here. I would like to note that the Fourth of July was a great day for this. Also, did I mention this took place on Independence Day? A NATIONAL HOLIDAY?? Why, then, was the only US Flag to be seen in Silver Spring the one that is always there? Did the Peterson Cos FORGET that it was the Fourth of July? Oh wait maybe they did, given that they FORGOT that the public has rights in public space. Hell the People's Republic of Takoma Park goes all out decorating for the Fourth. I was rather dismayed and slightly offended that Silver Spring wasn't decked out in red, white, and blue.
In my opinion, this photo walk was good.
In closing, I urge everyone that took pictures at the photo walk (you can see the rest of our photo walk photos here) NOT to enter their pictures in the Silver Spring photo contest. Doing so, I feel, would deeply undermine anything (no matter how small) that was accomplished yesterday.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Guest Blogger and DBTR Kicks M$ to the curb
That said, I will post more on the Photo Walk later. Tomorrow I hope. I would also like to note that this post comes to you from Ubuntu Linux. Yes, I'm a geek. I have kicked Microsoft to the curb. It's a very liberating feeling. You should try it. As always, please leave your comments.
Happy Fourth Of July!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Yelling and Screaming and Rate Hikes....OH MY!!
What is the point of this organization? What are they trying to accomplish? No one was invited (or at least showed up) that could do anything to address the concerns of those gathered. Not one elected official. I'm glad to know that Ms. York is so fond of green power. Perhaps she should start a Citizens for Green Power group or at least re-name Citizens Involved because they certainly aren't involved in much more than bitching and moaning. I am going to email Ms. York asking that MY concerns be added to the next meeting agenda. I highly doubt they will be as I'm sure she is already preparing next month's line up.
In short, Citizens Involved is little more than a forum Ms. York uses to show off her own ideas, or leanings. (i.e., the green energy and wholesale power peddlers) She does not bother to invite people that may help or for that matter care. This, coupled with Ms. York's total inability to lead a school of goldfish much less a meeting, left me with the overwhelming feeling that, like the Briggs-Chaney Interchange, Citizens Involved is a disorganized Cluster Fuck.
I'll be at the next meeting. Mainly to see if my concerns are on the agenda. Hell, I may start my own citizens' group.
Stay tuned (those few people that read this) for updates and Ms. York's response to my email.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Lights, Cameras,......CONGESTION!
It seems that the glorious designers of the new Briggs-Chaney/ Rt 29 overpass thing (I prefer the term cluster fuck) saw it necessary to install not one but two stop lights within about 25-50 feet of each other. This alone is not a problem in my mind as this is a huge intersection and a light is needed, hell even two lights are okay the problem is no one bothered to time the damn things so they cycle in unison. This is causing many cars to be stuck in this intersection as they come off Rt 29 and the cars on Briggs-Chaney (that light now being green) can't move though the intersection. Gods forbid an emergency vehicle needed to get though there. I know that stop light timing can't be easy but this has been like this for weeks now. Anyone else having a problem at that intersection? (yes that was a shameless request for more comments....those comments keep me doing this)
Also, as if we need another reminder that the area is growing way too fast, try traveling east on Briggs-Chaney (toward Old Gunpowder Road and I-95) one morning. It seems that when that Cross-Creek development was put in traffic was light enough for only a stop sign to be needed at that intersection. That same stop sign now backs traffic up to the MoCo Police Station at times. A light is needed there. I have no idea how old that development is but I doubt it's been there more than five years.
My bottom lines:
Please read this and comment
The area is growing faster than the roads, other infrastructure, and Police can handle
Development has totally fucked up Briggs-Chaney road.
One side note, did you know that you can't have ammo shipped to MoCo? Nope, can't do it. Can have it shipped to areas with higher crime rates like Baltimore Co or PG Co though. Stupid.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Traffic traffic and more traffic
Today I am simply going to rant about traffic in the general RT29 Briggs Chaney Road area. There is a new ramp going in to 29 from Briggs Chaney. Very nice maybe now I won't worry about dieing while attempting to merge off of 29 north. However one still may not make it up the ramp from 29 south and live to tell the tale. In fact, over the weekend I was traveling up said ramp to find that some moron had broken down on the ramp. Ok that happens and that fact alone did not lead me to believe that this driver had an IQ below 60. However, the fact that he moved a construction barrel behind the van and walked off did.
It seems that we are doing nothing but building roads up here. No new schools. No new office buildings really. And it's rather obvious (given this van situation above) that there are not enough county police officers to patrol all these new roads.
Anyone see an end in sight?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Police Abuse
Anyone that reads this blog (and Gods bless you --it should be noted that I do not believe in a "God" so that's a lot coming from me) please read this Gazette article. You may feel free to post your comments here or email them to me at if for some reason you do not want your comments shared with the rest of cyberspace. This is not to say that I won't post your emailed comments anyway......
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Coming along
It's been a while since my last post. I know I promised that I would address some real issues this time. However, I would like to first draw your attention to the new links on the left side and the bottom of the page. I will add other links but for now, links at the bottom will direct you to websites with important information, like the National Weather Service during severe weather events. Emergency preparedness is a bit of a passion of mine and as an Amateur Radio Operator and an active Sky Warn member, I can promise you that you will experience a weather emergency at some point. Being prepared and knowing the location of a storm and what to expect from it can and does save property damage and lives.
Okay, I will try not to be so serious for a while.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Okay as I am a total idiot and cannot spell ( damned years of Catholic school) my fiancée has been kind enough to be my official blog editor. This way the few people that read this will not think that I am mentally retarded.
More to come on real issues in a bit.
Thanks to my fiancée I have corrected my blog profile. She mentioned that for some unknown reason I was listed as a girl. This led to a rather interesting discussion that I will not share all of — but let it be said that I am not a girl.
WOW glad that's fixed. In other news, not that anyone is yet reading this blog nor gives a shit, I have a new job. This will, I hope, afford me more time to blog.
Okay more to come as I am trying to come up with a witty topic. I will possibly address crime in east county later today. Please check back and tell your friends (assuming you have any) to check out my blog.
Peace out for now
Sunday, May 20, 2007
All about this blog
Somehow you found this blog. Whether by actively searching for blogs or while randomly typing different URL's into your browser while in a drunken stupor it matters not, YOU ARE HERE.
This is my blog. First, a bit about me. I'm 22. I live near the Burtonsville-Silver Spring line (ok, that would imply that Silver Spring is an incorporated city. It is not. However if you are in the least bit familiar with eastern Montgomery County (AKA East County) you know the area I'm talking about.) I hope that I am able to use this a a bit of a "fill in" blog...for lack of a better term...for this rather forgotten area of east county. While others (namely Just Up the Pike) do a wonderful job of covering this area, I felt that the perspective of someone living in the RT29/Briggs Chaney Road area is missing and, thus, needed. This blog will ( I hope) cover a myriad of topics from crime (a topic all to familiar to this area it seems) to politics to development to the ICC to totally off-topic rants by me (mainly about traffic). I hope you read it, enjoy it, and please email me or post here if I've said something totally off the mark. This is my first blog so I will try to update it as often as possible, but there will be times that I am trying to come up with something witty to say or times that I am just too damned busy to mess with it.
Anyway please check back often and feel free to leave tips, words of encouragement, suggestions, etc.